I am a small scale breeder and exhibitor of Rhodesian Ridgebacks. My dogs live a life of luxury as companions in my home. They are fed premium food, have daily bush hikes or runs at the beach and accompany me on regular outings (e.g. nursing home, coming to work, brunch at cafes etc). I love the breed and want to share the joy I get from my dogs, by breeding to produce quality puppies of a high standard for companion and/or show prospects. I always aim to improve and preserve the integrity of this amazing breed with every litter I thoughtfully produce.
Any dog used in my breeding program has full comprehensive health testing performed (CHEDS hip and elbow scoring +/- PennHip if indicated, cardiac auscultation and echocardiogram (+/- Holter Monitor if indicated) by cardiologist, and full Orivet DNA profile (including screening for JME, DM, EOAD). Breeding stock must be of excellent temperament and be suited as family companions first and foremost, with show ring success being a bonus.
Puppies are raised with care inside my home using the puppy culture protocols. They go to new homes vaccinated, sterilised (tubal ligation/ vasectomy), with a comprehensive information book, food and blanket. The well-being of every puppy I produce is important to me, and I am available to assist and advise on any issues for the lifetime of my puppies.
Visit my Facebook page (Bonzimbi Rhodesian Ridgebacks) for more information about my dogs and puppies available.
The breeders shown are members of Dogs SA and registered owners of purebred dogs who have chosen to be showcased in our online breeder directory. These breeders may advertise litters for sale. In providing you with their details, Dogs SA make no representations as to the reputation of any breeder or as to the soundness or suitability of any puppy you may decide to acquire from any breeder. You must satisfy yourself that any puppy you may decide to acquire is healthy, sound and meets your requirements.